Men’s Ministry
We strive to prepare and equip men grow up spiritually and be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives. This covers their respective communities, at their homes, at work and church.
From time to time, men will meet to study the Word of God, encourage each other in faith and prayer while knowing each other in friendship.

Women’s Ministry

Youth Ministry
The Youths are brought up in the fear of God through weekly Bible study and prayer meetings.
The Youth ministry welcomes every Youth willing to serve God through this ministry.

Children’s Ministry
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22: 6). The purpose of the Children’s Ministry is to achieve this mandate through regular Sunday Schools and other Children church programs including summer camps.

Choir and Worship Team
The choir and praise team leads church services in hymns, canticles, praise and worship. They hold weekly choir practice and revise worship songs in preparation for Sunday Services.

Prayer Team
The Prayer Team is the engine house of the church. They meet weekly to pray for the church, members, nations and world. The Prayer Team meets every Friday for prayers from 8 – 9pm via Toll-free line 1-888-590-2292.

Outreach, Evangelism and Missions
Evangelism, Outreach and Mission Team is very important for preaching the Word of God to everybody. The team organizes crusades, night vigils and other events for the spread of the gospel.

Hospitality and Welfare
This is the caring unit of the church. They are responsible for organizing and coordinating all church related hospitality and welfare programmes.